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The Superwall Newsletter: Volume 1

Optimizing subscription lengths, creating media assets and more.

Ready for Sale: Volume 1

Jordan Morgan

Developer Advocate


Welcome to the Superwall Newsletter!

Every few weeks or so, we send out a shockingly short, succinct but actionable issue of our newsletter (just sign up for a Superwall account to get it directly). Our aim is to equip you with some industry news, tips to take to your own app business, or a little Superwall product feature gem.

Let’s get started!

3 Tips to Grow

1. Default to Higher Interval Plans

Whenever you have a paywall with multiple plan durations, default to setting the default plan to the longest duration plan. For example:

  • If you have a paywall with monthly and yearly plans — choose yearly as the default.

  • Or, if you’re showing a weekly, monthly and yearly plan, but are hesitant to set the yearly plan as the default, then use the monthly option.

The data we’ve combed through is compelling. Most apps find that their plan mix totally inverts. If you were seeing 37% selecting yearly, switching defaults could increase it to 63%.

So, why does this work?

First off, primacy bias is what creates a tendency for people to select the first option presented to them. Secondly, some segment of users will simply start a trial with whatever plan is set (no matter the duration).

In one use case, 71% of users who started a trial initially closed the paywall. In that segment, 54% selected the monthly option. These are the shrewd shoppers who need to see the product before starting a trial.

However, when looking at those subscribers who didn’t close the paywall, an overwhelming 82% selected the default yearly option. These are the high intent users — so it literally pays to optimize for them.

2. So, How Many Products Should Show on a Paywall?

Once you've settled on your products, figuring out how to present them on your paywall can be a bit of a puzzle. At Superwall, our analysis of popular paywalls in the App Store reveals compelling trends to help guide you, including a notable 60% boost in conversions based on product display quantity.

Here’s what we found in terms of how displaying a different number of products affects conversions.

Key Insights:

  • Two Product Placements: Compared to a single product display, offering two choices can increase conversions by 61%. This significant lift isn't surprising, as it allows for direct price comparison and clearer consumer choice. One subscription is easier to justify when compared to a cheaper (or more expensive) alternative.

  • Three Product Placements: Moving up to three products, we observed a 44% increase in conversions. This patterns shows that offering more options generally resonates well with consumer purchasing habits. In short, it’s comparison shopping.

What This Means for You:

While it may be tempting to immediately add three products to your paywall, we recommend testing everything. Use metrics like conversion rates and paywall views to guide your strategy and make data-driven decisions (all things you can do in Superwall 😉). We’ve seen paywalls offer as much as five to ten options. Try it out yourself and test the results!

3. Leverage Apple’s Media Services

Social sharing, content marketing — none of these are novel concepts. In fact, they are the baseline. But, did you know about this neat little tool from Apple to make it all easier?

Apple has a lightweight “Media Services” page to generate QR codes, shorten app links and more. It’ll help you with social graphics and sharing the word about updates. Check out this example our developer advocate made for his own app:

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2 Tech Tips

1. SwiftUI’s .contentTransition()

You can easily interpolate text changes, numeric or otherwise, in SwiftUI. It just takes one modifier:



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2. Software Schema Type is the source of structured data for the open internet. Did you know there is a type specifically for software and apps? For example, here’s what Angry Birds might look like:

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
      "name": "Angry Birds",
      "operatingSystem": "iOS",
      "applicationCategory": "GameApplication",
      "aggregateRating": {
        "@type": "AggregateRating",
        "ratingValue": "4.6",
        "ratingCount": "8864"
      "offers": {
        "@type": "Offer",
        "price": "1.00",
        "priceCurrency": "USD"


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You’d add this in the tag of your page. This way, it can be crawled by services — chief among them? Google.

1 Super Superwall Tip

Show an annual price at a monthly rate using our product variables:

For some potential customers, the annual “sticker shock” is a real thing. However, pricing psychology comes into play here, too. If you say…

“This product is $120 a year”


“This product is $10 a month”

…the difference between them can be a sale versus a pass. If you want to show this type of pricing in your paywalls, it’s super easy. Here’s how:

  1. Choose a text control (or add one) on your paywall.

  2. Edit its text to use the {{ products.primary.monthlyPrice }} variable.

Here’s an example:

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…One More Thing

  • One thing from our blog

  • One inspiring design tweet

  • One well-done paywall

From the Blog:

Figure out how CKSyncEngine works to add iCloud syncing to your iOS app: Syncing data with CloudKit in your iOS app using CKSyncEngine and Swift

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Pretty Design Tweet

From @OpenPurpose — some nice, bottom sheets for the web:

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One Nice Paywall

Riveo, Apple Design Award finalist, utilizing the new popular “Free Trial” toggle:

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Thanks for reading, and we'll see you next time!

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Key features

  • Drag 'n Drop Paywalls
  • 200+ Custom Templates
  • Unlimited A/B tests
  • Surveys, Charts & More

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Customer Stories

Our customers refer to Superwall as their most impactful monetization tool. In their own words:


Thanks to Superwall, we were able to 2x our iOS app profitability in just six months. It has greatly assisted our growth team in achieving exceptional results by facilitating high-frequency experimentation.

Mojo launch
Bernard Bontemps, Head of Growth

Really excited about the progress we made recently on paywalls with Superwall. We got more than 50% increase in conversion for upsell screens. This is crazy.

Photoroom launch
Matthieu Rouif, CEO

Superwall has completely changed the game for us. We’re able to run experiments 10x faster and unlock the ideal monetization model for our users.

RapChat launch
Seth Miller, CEO

Superwall made testing paywalls so much faster. Instead of releasing a new version of the app each time, we were able to iterate on the winning paywalls much quicker. Thanks to that it increased our revenue per customer by 40%.

Teleprompter launch
Mate Kovacs, Indie Dev

Superwall lets us move 10x faster on our monetization strategy. We can build and launch multiple paywall iterations without the need for client releases or complicated deploys. Our product iteration loop is days, rather than months because of Superwall.

Citizen launch
Jon Rhome, Head of Product

Superwall enables Bickster’s marketing team to design and optimize app paywalls, freeing up engineering to concentrate on innovation. As a result, Superwall helped accelerate our install-to-subscription rates, lower engineering expenses, and cured our team’s frustration with the (once) time-consuming process of iterating on paywalls.

Bickster launch
Chris Bick, CEO

Superwall has revolutionized our monetization strategy. It’s an essential tool that allows rapid paywall testing and optimization, leading to remarkable improvements in our subscription conversions and revenue generation. Can’t recommend Superwall enough for any app-based business.

Coinstats launch
Vahe Baghdasaryan, Sr. Growth

Superwall has played an integral part of improving our subscription business. Compared to other providers, Superwall has proven superior in facilitating high-frequency experimentation allowing us to achieve an ideal monetization model, resulting in a significant increase in revenue.

Hornet launch
Nils Breitmar, Head of Growth

Superwall is the single greatest tool we’ve used to help us increase our revenue. Our material wins from Superwall are greater than any tool we’ve worked with to date!

Pixite launch
Jordan Gaphni, Head of Growth

Shout out to Superwall for helping us dial in our paywall — made a big impact on monetization, increasing revenue by more than 50% 💸

Polycam launch
Chris Heinrich, CEO

Superwall increases revenue. Full stop. Being able to test paywalls on the fly and quickly analyze results has drastically increased our revenue and improved our monetization of users. Highly recommend this tool!

Hashtag Expert launch
Zach Shakked, Founder
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Up to 250 conversions per month
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Standard Features

  • 250 Conversions a Month
  • Drag 'n Drop Paywall Editor
  • 200+ Paywall Templates
  • Unlimited A/B tests
  • Charts & Analytics
Pay as you go pricing that scales
Up to 5,000 conversions a month
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Standard Features

  • 5,000 Conversions a Month
  • Drag 'n Drop Paywall Editor
  • 200+ Paywall Templates
  • Unlimited A/B tests
  • Charts & Analytics
100% custom flat-rate pricing
Terms that make sense for you
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Premium Features

  • Unlimited Conversions
  • We Build Your Paywalls
  • 4 Weekly Growth Meetings
  • Dedicated Slack Channel
  • Custom Integrations